Publications & Resources

ANC Policies

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Online Resources

The Association for New Canadians has a number of publications available online or in print that are designed to assist newcomers in the inclusion and integration process. These include the Newcomers’ Guide to Services and Resources in Newfoundland and Labrador (in English only), An Immigrant Parents’ Guide to the Newfoundland and Labrador School System (see below), and Peace and Harmony: A Society of Respect, among many others.

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Atlantic Immigration Program Information Card


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CARE: The Integration of Immigrants into the Newfoundland and Labrador Workforce

ANC Annual Reports

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Government-Assisted Refugee (GAR) Update

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LIPs Stakeholder Session

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Welcome to Canada Video Series

The Government of Canada has produced a number of videos that are intended to help newcomers settle in Canada:

Before You Arrive in Canada recommends that newcomers bring all of their personal identification documents with them and have all their official documents translated into English or French before coming to Canada, among many other recommendations.

Your First Two Weeks in Canada explains to newcomers the importance of obtaining a Social Insurance Number, contacting a local settlement organization, and finding employment.

Language Training for Canada will help newcomers learn about the steps they can take to improve language skills before and after arriving in Canada.