Children and Youth Programs (CAYP)
The ANC’s Children and Youth Programs division (CAYP) is designed to identify and meet the needs of refugee and immigrant children and youth. The goals of the program are to assist children, youth, and their families as they transition into the Canadian school system, as well as to create an environment that is accepting and welcoming of diversity.
Services offered include:
- Providing an orientation to the Canadian school system
- Providing guidance and information to help immigrant students cope with everyday issues
- Delivering non-therapeutic services to immigrant children and youth experiencing difficulties adjusting to life in Canada
- Providing links between immigrant students and internal/external resources in the community and/or school
- Supporting parents as children transition into the Canadian school system
- Facilitating translation and interpretation services in schools
- Developing and implementing activities and programs that promote a more inclusive school environment
- Assisting teachers/administrators in the education of immigrant children and youth
Supports are offered in elementary, junior high, and high schools within the Newfoundland and Labrador English and French School Districts.
For more information, please contact:
- Phone: (709) 722-2828
- Fax: (709) 726-1885
- Email: [email protected]

School Programs
After School Programs
Elementary and Junior High After-School Homework Clubs
Through a partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District, the ANC delivers its After-School Homework Club in a number of elementary and junior high schools in the St. John’s Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). These clubs provide a structured environment for immigrant students who are studying English as a Second Language or who require assistance completing homework. The program includes English language lessons, creative writing exercises, group projects, guest speakers/presentations, and extracurricular activities.
Holy Heart of Mary Regional High School After-School Program
This After-School Program provides immigrant youth with academic assistance one afternoon per week through instructor-, peer-, and volunteer-based classroom assistance. The goals of the program are to enhance the linguistic, academic, and social competencies of refugee and immigrant youth while promoting civic engagement and integration.
Lunch Time Programs
FUN (Friends of the United Nations) Club
FUN Club is delivered in partnership with a number of junior high schools in St. John’s with the goal of increasing students’ cross-cultural awareness and understanding. Each session is interactive and discussion-based and involves students sharing information about their own culture.
Youth Programs
Youth Bridging Program
The Youth Bridging Program (YBP) provides assistance to youth and young adults who are in a transitional period in their lives. The program supports individuals as they develop the necessary skills to be leaders in the community while helping them to make informed decisions about their future career and educational goals.
The program connects participants with events in their school and community and also assists them in finding volunteer opportunities. The program offers youth-focused and youth-driven workshops designed to help facilitate participants’ successful transition to post-secondary education and/or integration into the Canadian labour market.
Youth Group
Youth Group assists in the social transition of refugee and immigrant youth into Canadian society while supporting their language learning, skills development, sense of empowerment, and community engagement. This youth-led program is offered once per month and includes delivery of various educational workshops, recreational activities, and community events.

Summer Programs
Each year, the ANC delivers valuable ESL summer programming for immigrant children and youth. These programs provide youth participants with the opportunity to continue their language training throughout the summer in a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environment.
ESL Summer Program for Immigrant Children
The English as a Second Language (ESL) Summer Program for Children (ages 5-12) is an eight-week educational program which offers daily activities to help participants develop social and language skills.
Summer Enrichment Program for Immigrant Youth
The Summer Enrichment Program is a 4-week program offering immigrant youth (ages 13-21) the opportunity to participate in programming that reinforces school-acquired knowledge, while also assisting them prepare for the coming school year. This classroom- and curriculum-based program focuses on strengthening math and English skills.
*Please note that Summer Programs are only available to people in their first year living in Canada.
*Summer Program applications are now closed for the 2024 season.
An Immigrant Parents’ Guide to the Newfoundland and Labrador School System
Educational Resources
Check out these great resources to help with your child’s language learning at home: