Settlement and Orientation
*Please note: Program/service eligibility is dependent on an individual’s Immigration Status.
- Settlement and Orientation Services
- Crisis Intervention Services
- Family Support and Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Social and Recreation Activities
- Resources
Services offered by ANC’s Settlement Programs include:
- Resettlement assistance to Government-Assisted Refugees (GARs)
- Needs assessments, referrals, and assistance with settlement planning
- Information and orientations about life in Canada
- Health and wellness supports
- Social and recreational groups and activities
- Interpretation and translation (in over 20 languages)
For more information, please contact:
- Phone: (709) 722-9680
- Fax: (709) 754-4407
- Email: [email protected]

Settlement and Orientation Services
The ANC offers settlement supports to Temporary and Permanent Residents throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. We assist newcomers in identifying their settlement needs and goals, while empowering them to use their skills and assets to navigate life in Canada. We provide assistance with accessing and/or understanding various aspects of Canadian life, such as:
- Personal health and the Canadian health care system
- Community supports and programs
- Federal and Provincial services and programs
- Family life in Canada
- Banking and budgeting
- Housing
- Laws, rights, and responsibilities in Canada
- Canadian school system
- Mental health and addiction services
- Navigating public transit routes
In addition, eligible refugees and immigrants can access:
- Crisis Intervention Services;
- Family Support and Counselling;
- Health and Wellness Supports
The ANC provides settlement outreach supports across Newfoundland and Labrador. If you or someone you know requires assistance with settling in the province as a Permanent Resident, please contact:
- Phone: (709) 722-9680
- Fax: (709) 754-4407
- Email: [email protected]
The ANC also has Satellite Offices in Corner Brook, Grand Falls-Windsor, Clarenville, Labrador West, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Forteau, St. Anthony, and Gander.
Services are also available to help support:
- Co-sponsor groups and their private sponsorship efforts to bring refugees to the province, including assistance during the one-year settlement period
- Designated employers and endorsed employees under the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP)
You Can Also Contact our Satellite Offices at:
Western Region
[email protected]
(709) 634-2656
Happy Valley-Goose Bay
[email protected]
(709) 896-3427
St. Anthony
[email protected]
(709) 454-8406
Central Region
[email protected]
(709) 489-0235
Labrador West
[email protected]
(709) 944-7775
[email protected]
(709) 631-9550
Crisis Intervention Services
Crisis Intervention Services assist newcomers who may require short-term crisis supports. A Settlement Social Worker will provide support to newcomers who are at risk of, or facing:
- Family violence
- Relationship/family breakdown, separation, or divorce
- Homelessness
- Serious chronic and/or terminal illness
- Mental health issues
- Financial issues
- Legal issues
The ANC’s Settlement Social Workers work closely with community health and mental health service providers to support newcomers in navigating emerging crisis situations.

Family Support and Counselling
The ANC offers a wide range of services to support healthy family relationships, such as:
- Short-term individual and family counselling
- Supports for stay-at-home mothers and their pre-school-aged children
- Family development workshops on:
- Appropriate discipline
- Canadian legal system
- Conflict resolution
- Effective communication
- Stress management
- Family separation
The ANC works in collaboration with family service organizations and other related stakeholders to provide services to immigrants who may be experiencing family issues.

Health and Wellness
The ANC’s Settlement Health Workers act as a link between newcomers and health-related service providers in the province, including NL Health Services, the MUN Med Gateway Program and provides an array of additional health-related supports, including a Healthy Baby Club (delivered in partnership with Daybreak Childcare Centre), Public Health Nurses, Optometrists, Dentists, specialists, and other health professionals.
The Settlement Health Workers provide newcomers with specialized information, orientation, and/or assistance with:
- Navigating the Newfoundland and Labrador health care system
- Finding a family physician
- Using pharmacies/understanding prescriptions
- Facilitating medical/dental appointments
- Securing interpreters and translators (at no cost, where eligible)
In addition, ANC assists community and government health care providers with information on providing care to newcomers, including intercultural training, federal insurance programs for newcomers, and help with accessing eligible interpretation and transportation services.
Social and Recreation Activities
Throughout the year, the ANC hosts special events and activities. Events and activities include:
- Multicultural Family Sports Day
- Holiday Events
- Annual Health Fair
- Volunteer Recruitment Events
- Various Special Occasions/Days of Recognition (e.g., Canada Day, World Refugee Day, etc.)

Online Immigrants’ Guide to Services and Resources in Newfoundland and Labrador
Available here.
IRCC Resources:
- Before You Arrive in Canada provides pre-arrival information for those immigrating to Canada.
- Your First Two Weeks in Canada provides immigrants with an overview of key information for their initial weeks in Canada (e.g., importance of obtaining a Social Insurance Number, contacting a local settlement organization, and finding employment).
- Settling in Canada provides information on services available to newcomers in various locations across Canada.
- Advancing Foreign Credential Recognition: The Government of Canada is committed to improving the process of foreign credential recognition to make it faster, fairer and more consistent across Canada. This will help new immigrants contribute to their full economic potential when they arrive in Canada.